Friday March 31, 2006

NIN Hotline accepts award on behalf of NIN

the nin hotline at the rms music society awards
Last weekend, Nine Inch Nails was awarded the prestigious RMS Music Society Award for Album of the Year. Since Trent Reznor and crew were in Louisiana that night, a few of us went on behalf of the band.

Drunkpoet had been out drinking booze until 5am that morning, I'd been out drinking Mt Dew until 3am, Tony had been working at the paper until 4am, and Meathead never really sleeps, but we still decided to get up at the ass-crack of dawn and meet in Philadelphia before making our way to Sicklerville, NJ, where the awards were held. After hitting a Korean BBQ and walking around a wet South Street for a while, we barely found our way to the place, and met up with the elusive Walter.

Richard Sarkisian, head of the RMS Music Society, greeted us with freshly opened French champagne, and food was already laid out. Drinking, eating of chocolate crepes, and photographs ensue. Despite the copious quantities of drinks provided, meathead started dipping into his own stash about halfway through the listening portion of the show.

Afterwards, attendees reviewed the songs they heard and shared their opinions -- despite the wide range of music and the variety of listeners, a great majority agreed that the tracks played from With Teeth were the best of the lot.

Since Trent could not be there, he sent a letter to Meathead to read to the crowd on his behalf. Cue the hot multimedia action...

Thanks to glorious YouTube, we can share some of this experience with you. Watch the introduction, and the speech about With Teeth here:

...and be sure to follow-up with meathead reading a letter on Trent Reznor's behalf, and performing a song on Trent Reznor's behalf.